Hi guys!
I survived the first 7 weeks of High School successfully! Yay! It's been extremely intense but I managed to get through it. My school now has a week off so I've decided to make a couple of posts for Woozworld. The posts won't be daily but I'll do it every few days this week. I unfortunately can't promote this blog because my Woozworld YouTube account got suspended for no reason and it's been like this for 3 months now.
Moving on, Halloween has come to Woozworld and Woozworld has been introduced to Queen Von Klokz and Zoomworld. Emily Ember was right about Zoomworld being real. The gateway from Woozworld And Zoomworld is open until November 1st. This has unfortuantely brought Zoomies into woozworld;
they're extremely annoying and cheeky. We've also been introduced to:
Paytur the zombie, Dehth (death), Jakob the wolf, Green Beard the pirate, Rikor the headless woodcutter, Embily the fire/ zoomen hybrid. Woozens all have to help them find something they've lost in a mini quest. The prizes for all quests are unikz/ symbz that make other woozens transform into the zoomen you've helped. There's also a unikz/ symbz that transform woozens into zoomies! To be honest, I think all of the unikz/ symbz are really tedious and irritating.
Sorry that were no photos in this post!
Signing Off - Hazel
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